Jadoo is the Name, it's a travel agency website that can helps people with their traveling into another country and enable them book any flight of their choice
DALL·E is a neural network model developed by OpenAI. It stands for Distributed and Adversarial Learning of Latent Embeddings, and it is designed to generate images from textual descriptions
It's a portfolio templet with functionality.
This game is a multiplayer game. This project is also for those who want to learn JavaScript as this project is a beginner-friendly.
This Project is designed as a part of Coding Club intiative organized by MCA Department of Galgotias College of Enginnering and Technology. This Project involves creating the responsive design for the club. This Project has 3 contributors Narayan Dwivedi(Lead) ,Mayank Shukla and Shivam Rai as a members of a team.
Weather web app made with React JS and Tailwind CSS which fetches API from OpenWeatherMap based on the location entered in the search box.
This is a replica pf other movies platform where you can get details and related details of the Movies and Tv shows
This repository contains some useful C programs, each categorized, which can help the college students.
The MovieApp is built with React, leveraging APIs to provide users with an extensive collection of movies and comprehensive search options. The app dynamically retrieves movie data, including titles,ratings, posters, and more, ensuring an up-to-date and diverse selection for users to explore.
About Generate the password automatically according to the given conditions such as include uppercase, lowercase letters, no of password required, etc. It also checks for the strength of the password generated and indicates it with geen and red colors
Using TextGo you can perform multiple operations on your text.
Built an image classifier using Python, Tensorflow and Keras with Jupyter Notebook to classify sad and happy faces.
In this project, I used C++ and OOPs concept and small DataBase to store the data of all students.
A simple Quiz App made in Flutter
This is the project that contains HTML, CSS and JS code and this is the advance Rock_Paper_Seesor game using DOM_Manipulation.